

Hypnotherapy can be a very effective and quick way to identify and heal your core issues.

Hypnosis is basically a technique that helps you get into an extremely relaxed state so that you can get in touch with your subconscious mind where long term memories, feelings, beliefs and habits are stored, which controls approximately 90% of your life. Your conscious mind controls approximately 10% of your life and is where your short term memory is stored and is what you use to navigate everyday life, along with analyzing and thinking about current issues and problems.

Hypnotherapy can help you to quickly and effectively discover information in your subconscious to help you heal issues your conscious mind doesn’t normally have access to. In fact, within just 6 hypnotherapy sessions, studies have shown it to have a 93% success rate. Many clients report having relief and understanding from their presenting problem in the first session.

There are various methods of hypnotherapy and the one I use guides you in understanding the underlying source of the issues that you are concerned about and then supports you in healing these issues emotionally, cognitively, behaviorally, and spiritually with the support of your inner wisdom.